Lorrie Goldstein from the Toronto Sun is off on yet another rant. Although appalled at the appearant “hysterics” employed by those who accept what a preponderance of the world’s leading scientists have to say about global warming, Mr.Goldstein seems quite comfortable applying those very same child-like “hysterics” he professes to abhor so much. Me thinks one of the Sun’s most prominent tabloid news peddlers should look up “hypocrite” the next time he decides to pop a synapse and go off on yet another anti-environmentalist bender.
“If your neighbour is a charter member of the Al Gore Nation, today would probably be a bad time to ask him how he's been enjoying shovelling all that "global warming" out of his driveway this winter.
Charter member of the Al Gore Nation? That was certainly clever. Can we lose the Al Gore thing now? It’s getting rather stale.
Trust me, climate hysterics (anyone who accuses others of being "climate deniers") do not like being mocked [my italics].”
SHOCKER! Stop the presses!
Who actually likes being MOCKED? And how does mocking people concerned with the future well-being of this planet add to any meaningful dialogue on climate change and what should be done?
That’s what Mr. Goldstein fails to recognise and that is why certain indivuals are getting a tad frustrated about having to deal with such adolescent behaviour. It is an issue that could affect the lives of billions of the planet, and mocking (which is what a majority of climate change “denialists” do) adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. It only highlights the level of maturity we need to put up with daily.
Lorrie may enjoy the antics of the class-clown at the back of the room, but the rest of us would like to get on with this very important lesson plan. Voicing a concern is one thing and skepticism is one of the hallmarks of science. However, placing your hand to your mouth, blowing and making a "farty sound" then giggling or constantly attacking Al Gore, is something quite different and is rightfully not tolerated by those who don´t suffer fools lightly.
He does save some face here:
Finally, there are many things we can all do to help the environment and lower our reliance on fossil fuels, good ideas regardless of your views on global warming.
Don't buy a bigger house than you need. Don't drive a more powerful car (or buy more cars) than you need. Cut down on flying. Vacation closer to home. Take public transit more often. When possible, buy domestic instead of foreign produce and manufactured goods. Eat less meat, more fruits and vegetables. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
Now if he can just get to this point without some cheap pot shot at Al Gore, or Mocking those he doesn´t like, he would actually be contributing something meaningful.
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